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Click links below to view models
We guarantee you satisfaction! If, after inspecting your order, you are not satisfied, return it prepaid in the same condition received within 7 days for a refund. Enclose a copy of the invoice in the return package. It is your responsibility to see to it that we receive the merchandise in saleable condition. You must insure the package when shipping it back. RETURN NO GOODS WITHOUT OUR CONSENT.
Your order will be shipped by UPS. All shipments are insured. If you receive an order and it damaged, first call the UPS company and ask that an Inspection be made of the damaged merchandise. Then save the carton. The Inspector must have the original carton for examination when he makes out you inspection report. We will furnish any papers necessary to complete you claim. IMPORTANT: KEEP THE DAMAGED BOX.
All prices are subject to change without notice, but we will give you the lowest price in effect at the time you order.
Each model is made on order. Allow 2 to 6 weeks for delivery. If we have a waiting list we will inform you on how long it will be when we start your order.
Once an order has been placed and if you decide to cancel at a later date their is a 30% restocking fee.
(1) Send money order or personal checks will be cleared before the order is shipped. This process usually takes two to three weeks.
(2) Send a deposit of 50% of the order. Balance must be paid 2-3 weeks before shipping so check will clear the bank or 1 week before, if you are sending a money order.
(3) MasterCard or Visa. When using your charge card make sure to include you phone number on the order blank.
(4) Accept Paypal.